Jürg Bereuter

lic. iur. HSG, Certified Specialist Lawyer SBA in Construction and Real Estate Law
Attorney at law Partner Notary
Languages: German English French
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Bereuter Juerg


Jürg Bereuter has been working exclusively in construction and real estate law for many years, in particular in the area of public construction, planning and environmental law as well as property and land registry law. His clients include private real estate companies, professional developers and investors, as well as municipalities, associations and government agencies. Jürg Bereuter supports his clients in challenging planning and construction projects efficiently and in a time-saving manner thanks to his good networking with the authorities. Pragmatic solutions for his clients' concerns take precedence over long-standing disputes.

Admitted to the Swiss Bar since 1986.
  • Partner at Bratschi Ltd.
  • General Secretary, Public Works Department St.Gallen (1990-2003)
  • Clerk at the Cantonal Court of St.Gallen (1989-1990)
  • Graduated in Law from the University of St.Gallen (1984)
  • Member of the cantonal parliament for the Canton of St.Gallen (2004-2018)
  • recommended for «Public Law» by Legal500 (2024)
  • recommended for «Public Law» by Legal500 (2023)
  • recommended for «Public Law» by Legal500 (2022)
  • recommended for «Public Law» by Legal500 (2021)
  • Swiss Bar Association
  • St.Gallen Bar Association

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