Adrian Wyss

Dr. iur., LL.M.,
CAS White Collar Crime
Attorney at law Partner
Head in White Collar Crime
Languages: German English
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Wyss Adrian


Adrian Wyss heads Bratschi’s White Collar Crime Practice Group. He has developed a strong practice in complex national and international white collar crime cases, including money laundering, fraud and corruption proceedings. Furthermore, he is considered an expert in international mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. He is also frequently retained to conduct internal investigations in the respective fields. In addition to representing aggrieved private plaintiffs, Adrian Wyss also regularly represents defendants in white collar crime proceedings.

In addition, Adrian Wyss also has profound experience in intellectual property law with a particular affinity for trademark law, branding strategies and unfair competition law. He thereby represents his clients in the respective fields in litigations before Swiss courts and in administrative matters before governmental authorities.

In addition to his work as party representative, Adrian Wyss also sits as an arbitrator and teaches intellectual property law, among others, at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and at the FHNW University of Applied Sciences. In 2019, Adrian Wyss was elected by the State Parliament as part-time judge of the Commercial Court of the State of Aargau.

Adrian Wyss publishes regularly and appears as a speaker in his areas of expertise.

Admitted to the Swiss Bar since 2010.
  • Partner with Bratschi Ltd. (since 2021)
  • Part-time judge at the Commercial Court of Aargau (since 2019)
  • Attorney at law with Lenz & Staehelin, Zurich (2013-2021)
  • Attorney at law with Häusermann & Partner, Bern (2011-2013)
  • Clerk of the District Court Signau-Trachselwald (2009-2010)
  • University of Lucerne, CAS in White Collar Crime (2022)
  • University of California Berkeley, Master of Laws, traditional LL.M. (2015-2016), with distinction
  • Universität Bern, Dr. iur. summa cum laude (2013)
  • Universität Bern, Master of Law magna cum laude (2008)
  • Universität Bern, Bachelor of Law magna cum laude (2007)
  • Part-time judge at the Commercial Court of Aargau (since 2019)
  • Lecturer in IP law at the University of St. Gallen HSG (since 2019)
  • Lecturer in IP law at the School of Business FHNW (since 2018)
  • recommended for «Trademark Litigation» by Leaders League (2024)
  • recommended for «Data privacy and data protection» by Legal500 (2024)
  • recommended for «Data privacy and data protection» by Legal500 (2023)
  • «Rising Star» in intellectual property law for Switzerland by Managing Intellectual Property IP STARS (since 2018)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
  • International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
  • Institut für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (INGRES)
  • International Trademark Association INTA

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