
Pharmaceutical Law

Pharmaceutical law is a broad area of law that centers on medicines and medical products. Pharmaceutical law in the more narrow sense of the term deals with regulations concerning the manufacture, licensing, distribution, delivery, advertising and market surveillance of medicines and medical products as set out in the Federal Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices and its ordinances. By contrast, pharmaceutical law in the broader sense comprises provisions from other areas of law that are also of relevance for the handling of therapeutic products. These include regulations concerning pricing, data protection, patent protection and antitrust and competition law.

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The Swiss healthcare sector is currently undergoing major changes. The most noteworthy ones are discussed in the following.
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Events of Pharmaceutical Law


2nd Swiss Translational Medicine Conference

The 2nd Swiss Translational Medicine Conference is dedicated to translational medicine and entrepreneurship
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3. Berner Tagung zum Life Science Recht

Pharmaregulierung und Market Access: Trends und Treiber
Felix Kesselring
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