
General Administrative Law

General administrative law lays down the foundations and principles of the legal relationship between the state and its citizens. It also regulates the functioning of administrative institutions and their relationship with each other. General administrative law is a fundamental prerequisite for competent advice and representation in public law proceedings in all the specialist areas that our public law team deals with. 

Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of general administrative law, we can provide you with competent advice in the numerous specialist areas of administrative law, such as public procurement law, education law, personnel law, expropriation law, energy law, financial market law, subsidy law or organizational and financial issues of the public sector, and support you in the development of strategies and projects. Our team is represented in the legal community with many publications. Accordingly, we frequently act as authors of legal opinions, especially when it comes to fundamental issues that require in-depth consideration with regard to the constitutionally supported principles of public interest, legal basis and proportionality of state action. We assist our clients with legislative projects and in consultation procedures.

Our team also has experts in public procedural and litigation law. We can draw on a wealth of experience in administrative proceedings and administrative procedures, be it in complex planning approval and licensing procedures, in concession procedures, supervisory and sanction procedures or in personnel termination procedures or removal from office procedures. We also conduct administrative investigations. We represent our clients before all administrative courts in the cantons, before the Federal Administrative Court and, if necessary, before the Federal Supreme Court.

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