
Energy Law

The Swiss energy industry should ensure a sufficient, diversified, secure, economical and environmentally friendly energy supply for Switzerland. It is currently undergoing a transformation – the regulation of grid infrastructures as well as the introduction of new market and subsidy models and targets are evidence of a dynamic development. In this fast-moving market environment, we advise and support our clients in the corresponding administrative organization, in monopoly areas as well as in relation to critical infrastructures. 

Our expertise covers in particular the electricity market and the corresponding grid regulation, the gas market and gas grid regulation, as well as issues relating to the CO2 Act and the promotion of renewable energies and the associated transition away from fossil fuels. Our clients include public authorities as well as public and private companies and private individuals. We advise and support our clients comprehensively in energy law - for example in connection with legislative processes in the field of energy law, in the reimbursement of grid surcharges or in the context of the licensing of energy generation plants.

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