
Switzerland - Technology M&A 2019

Arpagaus Reto, Bieri Adrian, Maag Harald, Rizzi Marco, in: Getting The Deal Through - Technology M&A, 2018<div class="content">Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Technology M&A 2018, (published in November 2018; contributing editors: Wood William D., Miller Neil Q., Stebbing Holly, Varnado Lauren W. and Ibrahimov Ayaz). For further information please visit > <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gettingthedealthrough.com/">www.gettingthedealthrough.com</a>.


Arpagaus Reto
Reto Arpagaus
Attorney at law, Partner
Co-Head Financial Services, Sports
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Bieri Adrian
Adrian Bieri
Attorney at law, Partner
Head Intellectual Property, Technology and Data Protection
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Maag Harald
Harald Maag
Attorney at law, Partner
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Rizzi Marco
Marco A. Rizzi
Attorney at law, Partner
Co-Head International Practice
Zurich, Geneva
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